Social Values and Civic Responsability 5º ANAYA + Digital

Social Values and Civic Responsability 5º ANAYA + Digital

Publisher: Anaya

Digital ISBN: 9788469801673


  • Index
  • 1. I\'m important!
  • 2. What if I make a mistake
  • 3. This is really difficult!
  • 4. My schedule
  • 5. Can you choose who you are
  • 6. I\'m not afraid of accidents
  • 7. What must I avoid
  • 8. We can communicate without words
  • 9. Dialogue is important
  • 10. Listening is important
  • 11. We are all different
  • 12. I have a dilemma
  • 13. Human rights
  • 14. We are all equal
  • 15. We decide the rules
  • 16. Helping makes me feel good
  • 17. I have friends
  • 18. Resolving problems
  • 19. We live in a democracy
  • 20. Advertising
  • 21. Good behaviour