LM PLAT Student Geography and History 1 ESO World Makers Clil

LM PLAT Student Geography and History 1 ESO World Makers Clil

Publisher: Santillana

Digital ISBN: 9788414400326


  • Home pages
  • Unit 1. Technology and the geographic study of the Earth
  • Unit 2. How the Earth\'s relief affects populations
  • Unit 3. The challenge of climate change
  • Unit 4. The sustainable use of Earth\'s waters
  • Unit 5. How the Earth\'s landscapes affect people
  • Unit 6. The physical environment of the continents
  • Unit 7. Understanding and preserving Spain\'s natural environment
  • Introduction to History
  • Unit 8. Prehistory: the origin of humanity
  • Unit 9. The birth of writing. Early civilisations
  • Unit 10. Ancient Greek civilisation. The origin of democracy
  • Unit 11. Roman civilisation. A great empire
  • Unit 12. Pre-Roman and Roman Hispania. A cultural mosiac
  • Atlas
  • Study notes
  • Credits