Kid's Box Upd 6 Pupil's Book

Kid's Box Upd 6 Pupil's Book

Publisher: Cambridge

Digital ISBN: 9788490366172


  • Language summary
  • High technology
  • Unit 1 Beastly tales
  • Unit 2 Tomorrow\'s world
  • Review Units 1–2
  • Unit 3 The great outdoors
  • Unit 4 Food, glorious food!
  • Review Units 3–4
  • Unit 5 Under the sea
  • Unit 6 Free time
  • Review Units 5–6
  • Unit 7 Dress sense
  • Unit 8 Around the world
  • Review Units 7–8
  • Values
  • Drama
  • Festivals
  • Irregular verbs
  • Grammar reference
  • Flyers practice test