Prepare 2nd 7 SB

Prepare 2nd 7 SB

Publisher: Cambridge

Digital ISBN: 9788490369609


  • Front matter
  • Unit 1 Creative minds
  • Unit 2 Addicted to fashion
  • CULTURE The British fashion scene
  • Unit 3 All in the mind
  • Unit 4 Take it easy
  • LIFE SKILLS Learning to learn: Time management
  • REVIEW 1
  • Unit 5 Past times
  • Unit 6 Totally emotional
  • CULTURE Colours around the world
  • Unit 7 Telling stories
  • Unit 8 A great place to live
  • LIFE SKILLS Creativity and innovation: Creative writing
  • REVIEW 2
  • Unit 9 A bright future
  • Unit 10 Surprise!
  • CULTURE Perceptions of time
  • Unit 11 We are family
  • Unit 12 Making a difference
  • LIFE SKILLS Collaboration: Volunteering
  • REVIEW 3
  • Unit 13 Leading the way
  • Unit 14 Getting there
  • CULTURE Gap years
  • Unit 15 The bigger picture
  • Unit 16 New and improved!
  • LIFE SKILLS Critical thinking: Assessing advertising
  • REVIEW 4
  • Unit 17 Making headlines
  • Unit 18 Creative careers
  • CULTURE Fan culture
  • Unit 19 Points of view
  • Unit 20 Speak up
  • LIFE SKILLS Study skills: Preparing for exams
  • REVIEW 5
  • Prepare for the exam
  • Extra activities
  • Vocabulary list
  • Grammar reference and practice
  • End matter