Spectrum 4. Digital Student’s Book

Spectrum 4. Digital Student’s Book

Editorial: Oxford

ISBN Digital: 9780194831659

20,67 €

  • Title page
  • Contents
  • Starter unit
  • Unit 1 Making a difference
  • Unit 2 A consumer\'s world
  • Unit 3 The energy of tomorrow
  • Project 1 Group speaking project: a class debate
  • Unit 4 Live well
  • Unit 5 Community spirit
  • Unit 6 Good times
  • Project 2 Speaking project: a day trip in your area
  • Unit 7 In the news
  • Unit 8 The senses
  • Unit 9 Next steps
  • Project 3 Group writing project: our yearbook
  • Review and Skills practice
  • Focus on CLIL
  • Pronunciation practice
  • Irregular Verbs list
  • Copyright page
  • Imprint
  • Games